Sunday 19 May 2013

Only so much iPad...

May 1 - 19, 2013
The start of May was good and bad.  Bad because the first week was a bit yuck and then Mitch's platelets were too low to start his next round but good because it means another week off and now feeling pretty good.

This meant a full week at school and almost normal life for us all.  It also meant Mother's Day was spent at home with all of us at home and a chance to catch up with some family.

A blood test on the Monday after Mother's Day saw platelets still low, but close enough.  The doctors didn't want to wait too long before getting the next block underway, so in on Monday night for our last session in this Interim Maintenance block.

The week was pretty standard for this block.  Flush with saline, Chemo, more flushing and waiting....and waiting... 
A little different this time as we were confined to one of the "Transplant" wards because the normal ward was full.  This is an air-locked ward with far fewer people, visitors and  passers-by.  Mitch entertains himself on the iPad pretty well between visits from nurses and the RCH teachers but towards the end of the week there's only so much iPad you can play to pass the time.
Saturday's residual chemo levels were so close... but yet so far.  That meant one more full day in because blood test results don't come back until 4.30-5.00 in the afternoon. least it gave me time to catch up on this blog.

Doc's tell us we have 2-3 weeks "off" now until the 'Delyed Intensification' block begins.  We'll try and forget what we expect that to bring and enjoy the time at home.

Cheers all.  Until next time.

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