Tuesday 12 February 2013

Off to school...

Feb 11- 12, 2013

We were hopeful for a Monday start to the school week.  All looked pretty good Sunday night... until dinner came up at 2.30am.  Monday morning saw a slow start and a visit to his Nan and Grandad's, rather than school.

Tuesday was a similar slow and verrry pale start but, after some encouragement, Mitch decided he would head off to school.  Lisa had an earlier than normal start so I dropped Brooke off at school and came back for Mitch.

I asked Mitch if he'd like me to walk him to his class room but he said, "No. I'm right".  As a parent of any sort of sick kid, there's always that "am I doing the right thing?" question that runs through your mind.  We've all had those days where we've told them to "suck it up" and get on with it, only to find they were genuinely ill or had a broken bone.  Kind of the same.. but kind of different with a Leukaemia kid....
It filled me with pride to see him hop out of the car and make his way to the school crossing.

He lasted to recess and Lisa picked him up from the sick at noon....but at least he got there.

Quite a happy evening even though he's white as a sheet.  He actually ate some tea!  Let's see what tomorrow brings...

Bluetack fun 2010

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